瞬間英作文の練習用例文 200問パート7 【英語学習】

瞬間英作文の練習用例文 200問パート7 【英語学習】

⑥はこちら shahalam1.hatenablog.com








She has known him for over five years.

私は教育が人の性格に影響するとは思わない。 I don’t think education has an effect on one’s personality.

Shall we give the cat something to eat?

Did he decide to buy a laptop to begin to study English?

Do you think that this laptop has ever been used?

This article must be read aloud.

You must not eat foods without washing your hands.

The man who came to Japan last month asked me to give him Japanese lessons.

I want you to ask him when he will come next time.

I wonder why Kim has broken up with the girl he has lived with for a long time.

I don't want my room I keep clean to be used by others.

A man who I have known for over five years is going to quit the company next month.

彼女はずっとほしかったそのバッグが他の誰かに買われてしまったことを知った。 She found that the bag she wanted to buy had been bought by someone else.

Do you want me to pick you up?

Do you want me to open the window?

彼から電話させましょうか? Would you like me to have him call you back?

Why don’t we go to dinner tonight?

This watch must be expensive.

You don’t have to go there.

It was a big shock when Mary left her husband.

I was robbed of my wallet.

The car crushed into the wall.

The doctor has assured us that she will be fine.

We assure you that all requests will be processed as quicklly as possible.

Could you please wake me up at seven tomorrow?

The noise woke me up from my nap.

Coffee always wake me up when I stay up late at night.

I wake up at six every morning.

A good sleep is essential for us.

I am aware of the situation.

John was aware of the risk at that time.

私はパクが私を見ていることに気づいていた。 I was aware of Park looking at me.

Miso is aware of her strength and weakness.

I recognize the situation.

What about something to drink?

What about going for a walk?

What about a cup of coffee?

How about going to the movies?

スイミングのレッスンを受けている。 I’m taking swimming lessons.

They had been taking boxing lessons for two years, but yesterday was the last one.

Obviously if two people are in the same room for a long time, they are going to bump heads.

I had an argument with my wife over her spending habits.

A truck bumped our car.

This school offers one-on-one lessons.

彼は私を殴った! He hit me!

最近受け取っているすべての問い合わせメールの処理を助けてもらうために、臨時社員を雇わなければいけなかった。 We've had to hire a temp to help us process all the e-mail inquiries we're receiving these days.

注文は通常5営業日以内に処理されます。 Orders are usually processed within five business days

I need some time to process all this information.

I'm going to organize a party at the end of this month.

It will take a couple of weeks to process all the paperwork.

Donald is a billionaire. He keeps his family everywhere he goes.

His children, his wife are everywhere with him.

彼の子供たちはどこにでも彼といく。 His children go everywhere with him.

先月一緒にレストランに行ったその娘はぼくの知らない別の男とそのレストランに行った。 The girl I went to a restaurant with last month went to the restaurant with another guy I don't know.

She had seen him come out of a coffee shop with a beautiful woman.

僕が捕まえた魚はぼくがいない間にママに食べられた。 The fish I caught was eaten by my father, while I was away.

Since I didn't know if the milk is fresh enough to drink, I made my brother drink it.

Although the food she cooks isn't very tasty, he can't tell her it.

川がとても深かったので、泳ぐなと言われた。 Since the river was very deep, we were told not to swim there.

虫がこわい。 I'm scared of bugs.

そこら中走り回ってるネズミがいる。 There's a rat running everywhere.

私が毎朝走る公園は多くの人に訪れられる。 The park which I run every morning is visited by many people.

5年前にアメリカに行ったその男性は一度も家族に電話していない。 The man who went to America five years ago has never called his family.

When I asked him how many bananas he wanted, he said that he didn't want any more.

As she didn't speak English, she asked me to ask Kim what food he liked.

If you get home before I leave, you will be able to see the car I bougth last month.

Didn't she tell you to keep the window closed while you were sleeping?

俺は 楽観的だ。ポジティブだよ。
I'm optimistic. I am positive.

I don't think they're gonna be able to justify cutting six hundred dollars totally.

彼女はあかの他人だ。 She is totally a stranger.

I think so many Americans would fall off a financial cliff.

What he just said is totally unacceptable.

スピードを出していて大きな罰金をくらった。 I was speeding and got a big fine

二度としない。 I won’t do it again.

彼は大学で講義をした。 He gave a lecture at the university.

次は絶対来るべきだよ! You should definitely come next time!

金は何でもできる。 Money can do anything.

In just moments, he went from a poor working-class man to a member of the elite one percent of top earners.

He bought this gigantic 2 million dollars propery overlooking the plains.

I have attached the file to this email.

本メールにファイルを添付致します。 I will attach the file to this email.

The five files are attached to this email.

The invoice for this month is attached.

I am sending the file as an attachment.

I am very sorry, but I forgot to attach the file. I am sending it with this email.

なぜか添付したファイルが見れません。再送してもらえますか? For some reason, I am not able to see the attachment that you sent me. Could you please send it to me again?

Unfortunately, I can’t open the attachment that you sent me.

ファイルを添付してます。 You'll find the attachment below.

必要書類を添付してます。 The requested document is attached to this email.

なぜか電話が切れちゃった。 I got cut off for some reason.

今月お金なさすぎて携帯止められた。 This month I didn’t have enough money, so my phone got cut off.

よく聞こえないよ。 I’m having trouble hearing you.

今日はわたしの携帯は園外になるよ。 My cellphone is going to be out of range today.

充電切れそう My phone batteries are about to die.

他の選択肢がなかったでしょう。 You had no choice.

たまごをどうしても食べたくてしょうがない。 I can’t help eating eggs.

航空券が買えなかった。 I couldn’t buy the plane ticket.

お金が無くては何もできない。 We can't do anything without money.

お金を稼ぐ前に使うな。 Never spend your money before you have earned it.

金持ちは時間に投資する。貧乏人はお金に投資する。 The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.

時間ではなく、頭脳で稼ぎなさい。 Earn with your mind, not your time.

必要のないものを買うのをやめなさい。 Stop buying things you don't need.

あなたが持っているお金があなたに自由を与える。 The money you have gives you freedom.

Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money can't buy.

私がお金を持っていた時、みんなが私を兄貴と呼んだ。 When I had money, everyone called me brother.

人生で私のお気に入りのことは一切お金がかからない。 My favorite things in life don’t cost any money.

It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.

Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.

I don’t want to make money. I just want to be wonderful.

Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.

The best way to become a billionaire is to help a billion people.

金持ちはお金を投資して残ったお金を使う。貧乏人はお金を使って残ったお金を投資する。 The rich invest their money and spend what is left; the poor spend their money and invest what is left.

Customers have the right to request a copy of any personal data.

Can I have a copy of all my data?

Delete all information you have on me.

If you can get paid for doing what you love, every paycheck is a bonus.

ひどい雨のせいでここに着くまでに5時間かかった。 It took us five hours to get here due to the heavy rain.

お金は幸せを買わない。自由を買う。 Money doesn’t buy happiness. It buys freedom.

金持ちは大きく考える。貧乏人は小さく考える。 Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money.

ご参加ありがとうございます。 We thank you in advance for your participation.

たいていの役に立つサイトは英語で書かれている。 Most useful websites are written in English.

私たちは山に到達するために平原を横断する We will cross the plains to reach the mountains

広大な平原が 600 マイルにわたって広がっている。 The vast plains stretch for 600 miles.

あなたにわかるように説明しましょう I will try to make it plain to you.

彼女の間違いは見た目にも明白だった Her mistake was plain to see.

彼は多額の金を本に使う. He spends a lot of money on books.

答えになってない。 That's not the correct response.

私はあなたのような素敵な女性になりたい。 I want to be a wonderful lady like you.

お金を稼がないといけない。 I need to make money.

金をつくるには金が必要だ。 It takes money to make money.

今夜読む本はある? Do you have any books to read tonight?

どれくらいのお金がかかるか、彼はわかっているのかなぁ。 I wonder if he has any idea how much it costs.

私は米なしでも、どんな食べ物でも食べられます。 I can eat any food without rice.

リンクを送るよ。 I'll send you the link.

すごく役に立つサイトを見つけた。 I found a really useful website.

爆弾はその建物の前で爆発した。 The bomb exploded in front of the building.

彼女はその事故で車を台無しにした。 She ruined her car in the accident.

What kind of transportation did you use to get there?

荷物はいくつお持ちですか? How much baggage do you have?

私たちは中古車を買おうと考えている。 We are thinking about buying a used car.

すぐにこの食べ物に慣れた。 I quickly got used to this foods.

彼は静かでシャイな男の子だ。 He is a quiet, shy boy.

彼はこの仕事をする能力がある。 He has the ability to do this job.

I won my boss' confidence by the project.

自分に全く自信がない。 I don't have any confidence in myself.

You just need to build up some more confidence.

そのチームの勝利を確信している。 I am confident of the team's victory.

彼を信頼している I have confidence in him.

彼は私たちに別のプランを提案した。 He suggested a different plan to us.

彼はメールに返信しなかった。 He didn't reply to my email.

君は変わったね。 You have changed.

The company announced a plan to close 10 stores.

ジョンはずっと無罪を主張している。 John has always insisted on his innocence.

これが先日あなたに話した本です。 This is the book I spoke to you about the other day.

最近は寝不足に悩まされています。 I have been suffering from a lack of sleep lately.

今では手軽に海外へ行くことができる Nowadays we can go abroad easily.

最近どうしてる? How are you doing these days?

彼は最近ユーチューバーとして有名になった。 He has become famous as a youtuber recently.

最近、たくさん本を読んでいる。 I’ve been reading a lot lately.

最近トレーニングをしている。 I’ve been working out recently.

なんて時間と金の無駄だ! What a waste of time and money!

The company is using recycled paper to reduce waste.

パクはその時、酔っていた。 Park was drunk at the time.

私にメッセージはありますか? Are there any messages for me?

彼は、私に砂糖がほしいと頼んだ。 He asked me for some sugar.

私には兄弟はいない。あなたにはいる? I have no brothers. Do you have any?

前にお会いしたことある? Have we met before?

サリーを紹介してくれますか? Could you introduce me to Sally?

お会いするのを楽しみにしてました。 I've been looking forward to meeting you.

ご無沙汰してすみません。 Sorry I haven't kept in touch.

失礼します。 I'm leaving now.

見送りに来てくれてありがとう。 Thank you for coming to see me off.

ご無沙汰しております。 Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while.

あなたに会えなくなるとさびしくなります。 I'll miss you.

また来てね。 Come to visit us again.

手伝ってくれてありがとう。 Thank you for your help.

空港まで送るよ。 I'll drive you to the airport.

私の誤りでした。お詫びします。 It was my fault. I apologize.

あなたが貸してくれた本を無くした。 I lost the book you lent to me.

あなたに謝らないといけない。 I have to apologize to you.

空港まで送ってくれますか? Would you drive me to the airport.

お願いがあるんだけど。 May I ask you a favor?

あなたの写真を撮ってもいい? Do you mind if I take your picture?

たぶんそこにいくにはバスでの方がはやいよ。 Maybe it's faster to go there by bus.

何か食べに行こうよ。 Let's go out to eat something.

肉料理が好きじゃないんだ。-僕も。 I don't like meat dishes. - Me, neither.

この映画は名作だ。 This film is a masterpiece.

今夜は外食したい? -いや、そうでもない。 Do you want to eat out tonight? -Not really.

逃げてもいい ただ諦めるな You can run away, but don't give up.

ハンガリーにこんなことわざがあります。逃げるのは恥、だが役にたつ。 In Hungary, they have a proverb that goes like this... Running away is shameful, but useful.

この用紙に記入して並んでください。 Fill in this form and wait in line.

もう少し大きい声で話してください。 Please speak a little louder.

それは面白い。 That's interesting.

ずっと一生懸命働いてきた。 I've been working very hard.

いま何時? Do you have the time?

何か落としましたよ。 You dropped something.

話があります。 I have something to tell you.

あなたならうまくできるよ。 I know you'll do well.

あなたの成功を祈ってます。 I wish you success.


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